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30 Useful Norwegian Phrases for Cleaners & Housekeepers

Writer's picture: Iryna BilaIryna Bila

Updated: Oct 7, 2024

Phrases for Cleaners & Housekeepers
Phrases for Cleaners & Housekeepers

Working as a cleaner or housekeeper in Norway requires not only skill and diligence but also effective communication, especially in settings like hotels, restaurants, or private residences where instructions can frequently change. Mastering key Norwegian phrases can greatly improve job performance and integration into the workforce. This guide provides 30 essential phrases, grouped by common situations, helping you navigate through daily tasks more efficiently. At the end of this article, find a link to a quiz to test your knowledge and a section about how Time2Staff can enhance your career opportunities in Norway.

Everyday Greetings and Basic Interactions

  1. God morgen! - Good morning!

  2. God kveld! - Good evening!

  3. Hvordan går det? - How is it going?

  4. Ha en fin dag! - Have a nice day!

  5. Takk, det samme. - Thanks, the same to you.

These simple greetings are crucial for daily interactions, providing a polite and professional way to start any conversation.

Task-Specific Phrases

  1. Kan du vise meg hvor jeg skal starte? - Can you show me where I should start?

  2. Hvor finner jeg rengjøringsutstyret? - Where do I find the cleaning supplies?

  3. Hvordan slår jeg på støvsugeren? - How do I turn on the vacuum cleaner?

  4. Hvor skal jeg tømme søpla? - Where should I empty the trash?

  5. Skal jeg vaske vinduene også? - Should I clean the windows as well?

Understanding these task-specific phrases ensures that you can carry out your duties effectively without constant supervision.

Room-Specific Cleaning Instructions

  1. Rengjør badet grundig. - Clean the bathroom thoroughly.

  2. Bytt sengetøy på alle senger. - Change the bed linen on all beds.

  3. Støv av overflatene i stuen. - Dust the surfaces in the living room.

  4. Mopp gulvet på kjøkkenet. - Mop the floor in the kitchen.

  5. Sjekk og rengjør kjøleskapet. - Check and clean the refrigerator.

These phrases are essential for ensuring that specific instructions related to different rooms are understood and executed properly.

Handling Supplies and Equipment

  1. Er det nok vaskemiddel? - Is there enough detergent?

  2. Dette kosteskapet er låst, har du nøkkelen? - This broom closet is locked, do you have the key?

  3. Støvsugerposen er full, hvor finner jeg en ny? - The vacuum bag is full, where can I find a new one?

  4. Vi trenger flere mopper. - We need more mops.

  5. Kan jeg få en ny sprayflaske? - Can I get a new spray bottle?

Managing cleaning supplies and equipment efficiently is critical, and these phrases will help you request and locate items as needed.

Safety and Emergency Situations

  1. Jeg har sølt noe, kan du hente skiltet for vått gulv? - I've spilled something, can you get the wet floor sign?

  2. Jeg fant en ødelagt ledning. - I found a broken cord.

  3. Kan du hjelpe meg å løfte dette? - Can you help me lift this?

  4. Hvor er førstehjelpsutstyret? - Where is the first aid kit?

  5. Det er en lekkasje på badet. - There is a leak in the bathroom.

In emergency situations, knowing how to communicate effectively can prevent accidents and ensure a quick response.

Finishing Tasks and Feedback

  1. Jeg er ferdig med rommene, hva mer kan jeg gjøre? - I am done with the rooms, what else can I do?

  2. Hvordan var mitt arbeid i dag? - How was my work today?

  3. Er det noe jeg bør gjøre annerledes neste gang? - Is there anything I should do differently next time?

  4. Takk for hjelpen i dag. - Thanks for your help today.

  5. Jeg tar pause nå, er det greit? - I am taking a break now, is that okay?

Being able to inquire about additional tasks and receive feedback are valuable for personal and professional growth.

Learn Norwegian

We encourage you to embrace the Norwegian language as it will significantly enrich your working experience and personal interactions in Norway. Continuous learning and using the language will not only increase your confidence but also open doors to numerous opportunities in the hospitality sector.

Quiz Your Knowledge

After learning these phrases, test your knowledge with our quiz to see how well you've mastered them: Take the Quiz!

Want to learn more Norwegian for jobs in hospitality industry?

Here are more Norwegian words and phrases for those who work in hospitality. Each article has its own Norwegian quiz you can take after learning new Norwegian phrases and words that can help you adapt to Norwegian society. Good luck! ☀️

Using Time2Staff for Career Advancement

Time2Staff offers numerous opportunities for cleaners and housekeepers seeking employment across Norway. With our easy-to-use app, you can quickly find job listings that match your skills, apply directly, and connect with potential employers. Learning Norwegian enhances your appeal to employers and helps you integrate into the workforce more seamlessly.



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