Easy access to staff
Quick access to all available in the immediate area based on geolocation.
Fixed low price per hour
Fixed low price per hour according to consumption. We give our staff bonuses if you are satisfied.
Free recruitment
We want to be a springboard into working life for those who are out of work. That is why we offer free recruitment for your permanent positions. Rent a few hours, hire them regularly if you are happy.
Dlaczego Time2Staff?
Zatrudnij dodatkowy personel gdziekolwiek i kiedykolwiek chcesz
Wybieraj spośród wielu pracowników o różnych umiejętnościach i doświadczeniach i zadbaj o jakość pracy
Łatwy interfejs i niskie koszty.Płacimy tylko stałą cenę za godzinę, a my zajmujemy się resztą
Video for our costumers
How does Time2Staff work?
Create workplace profile
Set up your profile. After completing your profile, you will be able to post extra jobs and find staff right away.
Post jobs
Post jobs on our platform. You can easily invite your favorite staff to do the duties you need for the day.
Choose staff and get job done
You can choose between the ones who applied for your job invitation by their skills and ratings they got through their past experiences, and also based on their CVs and short presentation videos.